Hello XMail community. Has anyone found a way to change the way XMail POP3 & 
SMTP respond to queries by identifying themselves. For example the server 
responds to a POP3 connection at TCP 110 with:
    +OK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [XMail 1.24 POP3 Server] service ready; Mon 20 Aug 
2007 01:12:41 -0400

Controlling banner pages are the easiest way to make life a bit more difficult 
for the black hats. Needless to say, ideal would be to also control the closing 
banner as well: 

    +OK [XMail 1.24 POP3 Server] closing session

A search of my archives of messages to xmail did not match any relevant 
questions. If nobody has, then perhaps this should be a feature request. 

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