I've been busy writing a library of functions to access XMail via the Ctrl
API, and writing unit tests for each class as I go along.

When I started working on the userstat command, I wrote just a couple of
tests, one in which I create a temporary user, request the stats on that
user, and then delete it.  The second test requests stats on a user that
doesn't exist.

Oddly enough, there is a slight, noticeable delay when I run the second test
(the one searching for a non-existant user).  I realize that any search
routine is going to wind up going through all possible items to find a match
under these conditions, but what makes it odd, in my opinion, is the fact
that there are only 1 or 2 users currently registered on my mail server.

This isn't a major issue, just something I thought Davide might be
interested in looking at to see why there is a slight drop in performance
under these conditions.


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