
I try to use a filter but i don't understand why it doesn't works fine.

The filter is xscanner
The mail server is a gateway. No local domains, only custdomains
The OS is WinNT4
Xmail 1.17

Content of filter.out.tab is :

"*"[TAB]"*"[TAB]""[TAB]""[TAB]"validate.tab"[newline]  =

(of course [tab] and [newline] are replace with real character)

Validate.tab is under MaiRoot/filters

Content of validate.tab is :


Of course xscanner.exe and xscanner.dat are under d:\xscanner

In debug mode i can see that the filter il called, but return code is =
every time 0=20

I know it's look like more than xscanner question, but i would be sure i =
made any mistake.



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