
I've got a question - maybe I missed something:

My setup:
xmail 1.18 on Solaris SPARC, mailman 2.1.4.

I want to zip attachments sent to a certain mailing list.

Files get zipped, I can verify it by xmail debug outut. xmzipatt.pl,
which is the responsible filter for zipping exits with code 7.
But mailman still sends the original email without zipped attachments.
When I use the same xmzipatt.pl for emails not passed to mailman, it
works as it should.
In both cases, using xmzipatt.pl with normal emails and with incoming
mailman emails, XMail spool file gets changed and exit code of filter
is 7.

Some config details:
"*"[TAB]"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"[TAB]""[TAB]""[TAB]"xmzipatt.tab"[CR]


(symbolic links to one file: mailman-template.tab)


I used the mailman integration I found somewhere in the docs listed on
xmail homepage.

Setting number of threads to 1 slowed down delivery dramatically, but did not
solve the problem.

Using xmzipatt.pl for all outgoing emails, just like
"*" "*" "" "" "xmzipatt.tab", attachments get
zipped, but for each recipient individually...

Thanks for Your help!

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