So here is the value I have in my "SmtpMsgIPBanMaps" "551 Denied due to inclusion of your IP in the following map. You can check the lists here"
and... "CustMapsList" "," I ran a test of my ordb list by sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The test worked correctly, but it didn't seem to send out my custom message. Here's the log that was on my test results: Testing your ordb block. Here is how the conversation looked from our tester. Connected to port 25... <<220 <1043833840.1828@mail-web> [XMail 1.12 (Win32/Ix86) ESMTP Server] service ready; Wed, 29 Jan 2003 01:50:40 -0800 >>HELO <<250 >>MAIL FROM: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <<551 Server access forbidden by your IP It looks like the mail got blocked one way or another. I'm using the windows version (downloaded today so it's the re-release of 1.12). Does anyone know if the maps message is working? -Seth - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe xmail" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For general help: send the line "help" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]