Hello Everyone,

This is rather off topic, but for anyone who wants to write a filter in
VisualBasic 5/6 for the Win32 version of XMail, here is a little bit of code
to start you off  Create a blank VB project, remove the default created
Form, and add a new Module (i.e. Module1.bas)  Place the following code in
the Module and make sure to set your project's startup to Sub Main():

Option Explicit

Private Declare Sub ExitProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal uExitCode As Long)

Public Sub Main()

    Dim sCLParams() As String
    Dim ExitCode As Long
    Dim index As Long
    Dim bScanFailed As Boolean

    'specify the exit code
    ExitCode = 4

    'Convert the command line parameters into an array of strings
    sCLParams = Split(Trim$(Command$), " ")

    For index = 0 To UBound(sCLParams)
        '... Process Each Command Line parameter
    Next index

    'Add Logic Here to Scan the Message

    If bScanFailed = False Then Exit Sub

    'Exit with the specified Return Code
    Call ExitProcess(ExitCode)

End Sub



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