Hi All,

I'm running XAMIL Server under Windows NT Server 4.0 in debug Mode.I've POP3 account 
synchronizer with external POP3 accounts. few of my accounts is not working properly.  
it's giving some error message. the same external pop accounts are working fine in 
Outlook Express. where i can find the reason for that error. How can i solve this 


[PSYNC] User = "rajesh" - Domain = "e-comi.com"
ErrCode   = -162
ErrString = End of socket stream data
[PSYNC] User = "nkocheta" - Domain = "e-comi.com" Failed !
[PSYNC] exit

[PSYNC] exit
ErrCode   = -172
ErrString = Stream line too long
[PSYNC] User = "swetha" - Domain = "e-comi.com" Failed !

ErrCode   = -42
ErrString = Invalid POP3 response
[PSYNC] User = "shailesh" - Domain = "e-comi.com" Failed !

[PSYNC] exit
ErrCode   = -172

ErrCode   = -3
ErrString = Network kernel error
SMAIL SMTP-Send MX = "mail3.rediffmail.com." SMTP = "PROXY" From = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
To = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" Failed !

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