Keep in mind not all final users are :
- english speaking :)
- use a 'isp' as they 'postmaster', and large isp rarely take time to
explain any error, at least free of charge.

A simple way to 'personalize' the bounces/ndr/... could be :
Each time Xmail have to send a bounce/ndr/... it searchs for a text file in
a subdir (<mailroot>/errors/ ?) :
- if it found a EEE.txt file with EEE = error code, use its content as start
of the mail/error report
- if not, find a more generic file EE.txt (like 55.txt for 55x errors) and
if found , use its content as start of the mail/error report
- if not, find a more generic file E.txt (like 5.txt for 5xx errors) and if
found , use its content as start of the mail/error report
- if none is found, use a generic.txt file if exist as start of the
mail/error report
- if none found, use none :)
Finally append 'standard xmail' infos at bottom.

Simple and fast no ?

Enhancements could then be use of macros in the text files to insert
original infos, like sender, receiver, real final, send host name or ip, ...
(use same macros as filters ? so little code to write ?)

Its just a suggestion :)
-----Message d'origine-----
Date: 13/04/07 20:42
Objet: [xmail] Re: Delivery failure report and passwords in log files

On Fri, 13 Apr 2007, Ivo Smits wrote:

> Davide (and all other list members ofcourse),
> Is it possible to change the "Delivery failed" email?
> I really like all those details (return codes, timestamps), but the
> end user probably had no idea what the mail is about.
> It would be nice if I could change at least the first part of the
> best would be to use some template with special tags to include
> addresses.
> If that is difficult, why not make XMail run a simple shell script
with some 
> arguments that creates a failure report? :)
> By the way, does XMail still show plain passwords in POP3 and CTRL
logs? and 
> is it possible to only show the encrypted/no password at all in the

A delivery failure report is only partially for the user. It is supposed

to give the more info as possible to the postmaster when the user ping 
them about the error.

- Davide

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