On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, Michal Altair Valasek wrote:

> it seems to be little bug in CTRL protocol when listing user variables. =
> When
> I have user with some empty user variable, XMail will return its value =
> as
> quotes (") via uservars command of ctrl protocol. For example I have the
> following user.tab:
> "RealName"    "Michal A. Val+AOEBYQ-ek"
> "HomePage"    ""
> "Address"     ""
> "Telephone"   ""
> "MaxMBSize"   "10000"
> "SmtpPerms"   "MR"
> "ReceiveEnable"       "1"
> "PopEnable"   "1"
> "X-WAI-DateCreated"   "2003-06-01 15:37:28"
> "X-WAI-AlternateEmail"        "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> "X-WAI-EnableWebAccess"       "1"
> When I will get vars via ctrl, it would return:
> "RealName"      "Michal A. Val+AOEBYQ-ek"
> "HomePage"      """
> "Address"       """
> "Telephone"     """
> "MaxMBSize"     "10000"
> "SmtpPerms"     "MR"
> "ReceiveEnable" "1"
> "PopEnable"     "1"
> "X-WAI-DateCreated"     "2003-06-01 15:37:28"
> "X-WAI-AlternateEmail"  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> "X-WAI-EnableWebAccess" "1"

Yes, it's a bug in the string de-quoting function when the string is
empty. Will go in 1.16.

- Davide

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