On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Pierre Doyon wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I would like to develop a server to catch all sent messages on my PC
> (Windows XP).  The scope is to verify each message before it is sent.
> To do so, I downloaded XMail source to build a costum smtp server.
> This smtp server would be used like a relay to a extern smtp server.
> So, I configuration of XMailServer is set to the default sample given
> in source code(sample domain, sample user account), and installed it
> on my PC.
> The DOS shell displays the fellowing lines, when I run XMail in debug:
> Debugging XMail Server.
> SMAIL thread [00] started
> SMAIL thread [01] started
> SMAIL thread [02] started
> SMAIL thread [03] started
> SMAIL thread [04] started
> SMAIL thread [05] started
> SMAIL thread [06] started
> SMAIL thread [07] started
> SMAIL thread [08] started
> SMAIL thread [09] started
> SMAIL thread [10] started
> SMAIL thread [11] started
> SMAIL thread [12] started
> SMAIL thread [13] started
> SMAIL thread [14] started
> SMAIL thread [15] started
> [XMail 1.21 PSYNC Server] started
> LMAIL thread [00] started
> LMAIL thread [01] started
> LMAIL thread [02] started
> [XMail 1.21 ESMTP Server] started
> [XMail 1.21 POP3 Server] started
> [XMail 1.21 CTRL Server] started
> [XMail 1.21 FINGER Server] started
> It seem work well.
> I created a mail profil in MS Outlook with the fellowing parameters:
> name : xmailuser
> address :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> pop3 server : localhost
> smtp server : localhost
> user name : xmailuser
> password : the password in the mailusers.tab
> When I'm trying to send a message at the address
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",  the DOS shell displays :
> SMTP client connection from []
> SMAIL local SMTP = "xmailserver.test" From =
> SMTP client exit []
> SMTP client connection from []
> SMTP client exit []
> SMAIL SMTP-Send MX = "smtp.polymtl.ca." SMTP = "xmailserver.test"
> <<
> ErrCode   = -40
> ErrString = Invalid server address
> ErrInfo   = smtp.polymtl.ca.
> SMAIL SMTP-Send MX = "smtp.polymtl.ca." SMTP = "xmailserver.test"
> Failed !
> SMTP-Error = "417 Temporary delivery error"
> SMTP-Server = "smtp.polymtl.ca."
> How should I configure XMail to send message with success?

Looks like a network problem. The MX looks good.

- Davide

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