On Mon, 3 Jan 2005, Dan Porter wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am having a problem where the IP Address I specify at the command line 
> when starting up xmail is not the same as the IP address showing up in 
> mail headers under Received.
> /I'm making the #s up for simplification:/
> The servers main IP Address is (and this is the IP 
> address that keeps showing up in the received header):
> Received: from ([])
>         by mx.gmail.com with ESMTP id 71si194406rnc;
> I start up xmail with the command line options -PI -SI 
> (and this is the address I want to show up in the headers).
> Also, the domain *mail.mydomain.com *resolves to, and in 
> my server.tab I have specified "RootDomain", 
> "SmtpServerDomain","POP3Domain" and "HeloDomain" all to be 
> *mail.mydomain.com*.
> So, it is obviously causing a problem to other mail servers when they 
> see an email coming from mail.mydomain.com which resolves to .223, but 
> the IP address on the received is .222. 
> Any suggestions?

The -PI and -SI command line options bound *listening* interfaces to such 
IP:PORT combinations. They do not bound *connecting* interfaces, that are 
ruled by the system default routing tables.

- Davide

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