Anybody can help me??

I want to send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but every message is
bounced by Xmail with the next explanation:

> [<00>] XMail bounce: [EMAIL PROTECTED];Error=[550
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Recipient unknown]
> [<01>] Error sending message [] 
> from
> ID:        <S1192CC>
> Mail From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Rcpt To:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Server:    <> []
> [<02>] The reason of the delivery failure was:
> 550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Recipient unknown
> [<05>] Here is listed the initial part of the message:

The problem is that the server has the IP, but Xmail is resolving, and then return the above error, I
think that is assigned by the isp
of and it have the mail server too; then how can configure
Xmail to resolve the correct hostname for the mail server?

The recipient yes exists, but not in but in, and both
has the same IP.

Thanks in advance.

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