Hello Davide

I have a request about per IP/PORT couple :-)

I have a problem setting an xmail server on a server with only one IP.
Due to some French ISP blocking outgoing port 25, I have to open a new
receiving smtp port (587 mua->mta) to help external users continue to use
they how server (and to too much black listed isp outgoing servers)
I would like then to let standard incoming smtp 25 port open for internet
foreign servers, but only let authenticated users to use the 587 port

Actually the only thing that can be done are MailAuth and WantTLS PER IP
with SmtpConfig-XXX.YYY.ZZZ.WWW entries in server.tab.
Could these options (MailAuth and WantTLS) be extended to PER ip/port ?
(something like SmtpConfig-XXX.YYY.WWW:PP)


PS : Will you implement 'centralized' configuration in server.tab for all
options actually on cmd line in v2 ?
This will simplify xmail config when changing ip and/or port numbers and
configurations :-)
It's an old request but we never get your opinion about this
'simplification' ;-)


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