
my problem is that "sometimes" the SMTP o XMail
TimeOut in Connection. When this happen, i have
the POP and it works fine, the uptime is 0.2,0.3,
the number of process XMail is about 120 (i start
100), and the network is OK, the swicht have no
I can see like my Outlook start sending the email
stop giving error, after some minutes, smtp start 
working fine.

I have:
    - dual server with pIII.
    - Suse Linux 8.0
    - xmail 1.20
    - Kernel 2.4.18-64GB-SMP
    - gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)
    - in startup script i have added: 
      export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL="2.4.1"
    - i startup xmail with: 
      XMAIL_CMD_LINE="-Mr 24 -Mx 30 -MM -Pt 75 -Pl
30 -Sl -Sr 300 -Qn 100 -Qt 900 -Qi 1 -Qr 10 -Ql
180 -Ph -Ll"Linux xmail 2.4.18-4GB
    - i compile Xmail with:
           make -f Makefile.lnx
    - I have Antivus filter of Peter Lindeman with

I do not know where is the problem.

Have somebody the same Kernel and the same gcc?
must i compile xmail with extra parametres?
Can somebody help me?

Thank you.

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