I am having trouble sending mail locally on the intranet when our internet
connection fails.

Lets pretend the internet domain for work is work-internet.com and the lan
login domain is work-lan.com on win2k servers and we run internal DNS.

On our internal dns I have 2 Forward Lookup Zones. 1] is work-lan.com and 2]
is work-internet.com.

I have setup hosts like www, mail , and others on the work-internet.com zone
to reflect the ip of the local lan server, and when I ping  - ping
work-internet.com it comes back with the lan ip like it should, yet for some
reason outlook will not send to local users on the lan when the internet is
down and it also will not telnet work-internet.com 25 unless the internet
connection from the isp is up.

This posses a problem for me. I want to be able to send mail to other
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if our connection ever goes down for any lenght of

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