Hi Everyone -

I have been getting XMail timeouts, along with CPU use going up to 
something like 98%, after upgrading to 1.24.  I am not 100% certain that 
the upgrade is what is causing this, so I am looking for ideas.  I did 
not have any problems with 1.23, and I don't think that I am seeing any 
more traffic than I did when using 1.23.

I am running FreeBSD 6.2, and saw this with 1.24 under 6.1 also.  My 
configuration is a bit unusual.  ASSP is receiving socket 25/587 -> 
ClamSMTP -> Xmail, but XMail is the executable that seems to be getting 

Reducing SMTP connections via ASSP seems to help some, as does reducing 
allowed file sizes, but I haven't verified this completely.  The 
timeouts are intermittent, but always there seems to be a large number 
of connections via netstat.

Here are the enabled server.tab entries of any interest:

"NotifyTryPattern"    "0"
"MaxMTAOps"    "16"
"ReceivedHdrType"    "1"
"FetchHdrTags"    "+X-Deliver-To,+Received,To,Cc"
"SmtpMsgIPBanSpammers"    "550 Denied due inclusion of your IP in our 
spam lists"
"SmtpMsgIPBanSpamAddress"    "550 Denied due inclusion of your email 
address in our spam lists"
"SmtpMsgIPBanMaps"    "550 Denied due inclusion of your IP in the 
following map"
"SMTP-MaxErrors"    "3"
"MaxMessageSize"    "62000"
"EnableAuthSMTP-POP3"    "1"
"AllowNullSender"    "1"
"DefaultSmtpPerms"    "MRVZ"
"SSLWantVerify"    "0"
"SSLWantCert"    "0"
"SSLAllowSelfSigned"    "1"
"SSLUseCertsFile"    "0"
"SSLUseCertsDir"    "0"
"EnableSMTP-TLS"    "0"

Any help would be greatly appreciated!  I am about to downgrade to 1.23...


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