Hello Davide

Just a question about smtpgw.tab and smtpfwd.tab in doc

For smtpfwd.tab file, doc says to refer to [SMTP GATEWAY CONFIGURATION]
section for additionnal parameters (NeedTLS, and OutBind actually)
For smtpgw.tab file, there is no reference to the [SMTP GATEWAY
CONFIGURATION] section so my first question is :
Does this meens that these options are not available (actually) for entries
in smtpgw.tab file ?
If not available (and smtpgw.tab really usefull, see bellow second
question), can this functionnality added on next version as the two files
have very similar function except connexion mode ('to unique' host for
smtpgw, 'on from the given list' hosts for smtpfw) and TLS and Outbind could
be necessary for some final servers specified in smtpgw.tab

Second question (that can totaly 'erase' the previous) :
What is the difference in xmail mail processing the same line (ie
"mydomain.com"[TAB]""[EOL]) put in smtpgw.tab file or in
smtpfwd.tab file ?
I ask this because when reading doc, I don't see any difference in 'process'
or pre or post process (on errors, ... email change, ...) and I conclude
that the smtpgw.tab file seems to be 'obsolete' as the same line in
smtpfw.tab do the same thing with more options available :)
(Sure, smtpgw.tab can continue to be read by xmail for 'compatibility' with
old setups, but in this case it could be mentionned in the doc that
smtpfwd.tab do the same thing on the same exact line and is better because
'centralize' and allow optionnal parameters)


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