xmame/xmess 0.89 is now available.  Thanks to all who've contributed.

You can grab a patch for 0.88 and the full sources from


Changes since 0.88:

- Everything from MAME 0.89 (http://x.mame.net/changes-mame.html) and
  MESS 0.89 (http://x.mame.net/changes-mess.html).
- Re-added a missing "Rapid Fire" entry from the setup menu that caused
  the other entries to be off by one.  Fixes Bugzilla bug 621.
- Another batch from Hans de Goede:
  * The GGI driver no longer crashes when $DISPLAY isn't set.
  * SDL calls mode_set_aspect when using modes.
  * The SDL and X11 drivers now ask the window manager to be notified
    of the user closing the window and exit cleanly.
  * The SDL driver now supports "-alwaysusemouse (-aum)",
    "-grabinput (-gi)", and "-[no]cursor (-[no]cu)", as well as
    toggling input grabbing with left-ctrl + delete.
  * The SDL driver now forces a fullscreen update every first update
    after a (re)open.  This prevents the left side of artwork
    disappearing when the scale and effect options are quickly cycled
  * Cleaned up the X11 code to be more readable.
  * Sped up the rgbscan effect (effect 4), especially for DGA.
  * Fixed a problem with OpenGL that prevented it from working with the
    binary ATI driver.
  * Reworked GLDEBUG and added NOGLCHECKS.  The old code didn't do any
    error checking when GLDEBUG was not defined.
  * Modified the GL_CHECK_ERROR macro to be much faster, since it is
    now used in normal builds.
  * OpenGL no longer opens libglut.so.  Rather, it gets the symbols
    directly from libGL, as was already done with libGLU.
  * OpenGL development packages no longer need to be installed to use
    OpenGL.  libGL.so.1 and libGLU.so.1 are now loaded instead of
    libGL.so and libGLU.so.
- Added LIRC support for remote controls, e.g., with MythTV.  (Andrew
- Fixed a typo that caused absolute analog axes to interfere with
  digital negative axes in the input setup.
- Fixed NetBSD warnings reported by Krister Walfridsson.  (Only the
  lazy fix for now.)

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