
    This is Kutay Songul. I am contemplating to apply Google Summer of Code
2008. I have an idea, which I believe a profound one, that unites the
harmonic music theory with an atmosphere similar to openoffice documents.
Its database would span all the music genres across mp3-land and its main
contributers would be composers and live performers. Users or novices in
this community will easily reach all musical literature, from classical to
metal, with a user friendly page in their Firefox browser and be welcome to
contribute instantly to the evergrowing knowledge base. I had developed the
one-person-use package of the program. With this software one is able to
investigate and edit the note sequences, chord sequences, alternative notes
"3rd and 4th harmonics" and probable outcomes throughly. No previous musical
background is needed. Even a six year old can get used to chord and note
sequences of Bach sonatas in a matter of minutes. Because all the dataflow
is visual. And the interaction takes place in real time. He or she might
edit the sequence as listening the original mp3 and also visualising the
sequence and fretboard of the guitar. Initially I had developed this
software as an auxillary for my guitar sessions. But by extensive use and
careful study of tens of songs and harmony pieces, this software became a
tool for me with which I can observe the ultimate chord sequences as
ordinary chess movement variations. For the future, I imagine a database
created by online community consist of pieces from Bach to Metallica and
with the help of the web app searching songs or even similar chord sequences
and probable continuations would be possible. Since I become familiar with
the underlying patterns in music theory in shortest time with this software,
now I have an aim to extend its capabilities and transform this inspiration
into a solid idea. A community "as of oppenoffice" that practices this
notion (mostly guitarists at first I admit but most of guitarists at last)
will bring huge worth to this methodology. In fact this kind of software may
be a must for future composers or wanna-be rock heros. For this summer, I
want to be enrolled in GSoC, and develop the "social networking" part of the
software. In addition to the real time editing, adaptive fretboard display,
chord sequences "chunks" engine features that I had developed, I want to add
the extensible web service, database specs and ranking system to the
project. So it can become a great source for music admirers. One day it
could be a page like tabs.google.com in which the user can search not only
the chord sequences for the songs he want to play but also innovation for
her or his future compositions. I have investigated most of the mentoring
organizations in the list and decided to discuss my motivation and scheme
with you. Please respond in the shortest time. Thanx.

Best Regards
Kutay Songul

Note: Any kind of presentation, screenshot, youtube video tutorial about the
developed package can be presented till 31 March "the deadline for GSoC".
Additional Note: The software was developed as a Squeak Scratch project
consisting of 350+ lines initially.
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