On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Magnus Kessler wrote:

> I'm not quite sure which version of xorg is shipped with slackware 12.1.
> Assuming it's a recent one, can you try if you get better success with no
> xorg.conf file at all or with an xorg.conf file that doesn't contain any
> InputDevice sections? Make sure that you have the xf86-input-evdev driver
> installed. If you want full touchpad support (evdev gives basic support)
> please install xf86-input-synaptics as well.


   One of the local LUG members gave me the solution: as root, run 'X
-configure' and copy the resulting /root/xorg.conf.new to
/etc/X11/xorg.conf. That did the trick.

> You might want to install and activate hal/dbus (assuming that support for
> this is built into the slackware packages). Your distro should provide you
> with some .fdi files that take care of setting up the correct drivers and
> defaults through hal.

   HAL and dbus are automatically installed and running.

   I'll unsubscribe now that I have this working.

Thank you very much for the prompt response!


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