
I am running Fedora 15, and xrestop shows 3 clients with 15mb pixmaps allocated,
although no PID is shown, and two of the three clients seem to have no
pixmap (0) allocated.
I am using xfce 4.8 without a composition manager.

Any idea whats going on?

Thanks, Clemens

xrestop - Display: localhost:0
          Monitoring 24 clients. XErrors: 0
          Pixmaps:   64670K total, Other:      54K total, All:   64724K total

res-base Wins  GCs Fnts Pxms Misc   Pxm mem  Other   Total   PID Identifier
0000000     1    0    2    0   86    15000K      4K  15004K   ?   <unknown>
0200000     0    1    1    1    0    15000K      1K  15001K   ?   <unknown>
0a00000     0    0    0    1    0    15000K      0B  15000K   ?   <unknown>
1400000     5   30    0    8   25     9128K      1K   9129K  1581 Desktop
2400000    41   40    1  178  424     8962K     12K   8975K  1703 Gmail - Postei
1000000    74   36    1  159  323      810K     11K    822K  1577 xfwm4
2e00000    18   60    1   12   42      384K      3K    387K  2398 Terminal - ce@
1200000    12   59    0    5   31      128K      2K    130K  1580 xfce4-panel
2a00000     4   31    0    4   15      128K      1K    129K  1650 xfce4-mixer-pl
1c00000     6   29    0    2   14      128K      1K    129K  1591 Clipman
0c00000     2    1    0    0  189        0B      4K      4K   ?   screensaver
1600000     4   29    0    1   69        4B      2K      2K  1583 xfce4-settings
2c00000     5   30    1    3   18
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