On Fri, 1 Sep 2023, Graham Bentley wrote:


How to go about diagnosing this?


Lifelong fan of TWM; still using today and came across your pages/site.

Yay TWM !!

The main reason for this enquiry, is to ask if you suffering recently the problem of TWM not working well with latest Firefox and Chromium browsers using mouse interaction particularly?

I use TWM 'raw' (no compositor and so on) and both browsers have worked without issue until the latest esr release for Firefox and a few releases ago for Chromium (not entirely sure when for Chromium). Other programs do not have any similar issues that I have noticed.

The problem is that some popup/transient windows that appear when mouse clicking on menu options in those browsers (and even some 'select' inputs on webpages) are now closing instantly preventing interaction - flash on and off so to speak. I'm not technically advanced enough to sort out why, but I am curious about whether other folk might be able to have a stab.

I have seen similar behaviour for firefox with KDE, and also for KDE panel. This happens after the session was up for a while (months), and was seen on Kubuntu 20.04. Once the issue occurs, turning compositor on and off does not help.

In my case this is fixed with a restart, and also, sometimes, by making sure that all windows are within the screen - somehow a window that have been moved aside so that part of it is beyond the screen causes this, and moving it back fixes the problem.

Another thing to try is to make sure you don't have some phantom key pressed - "xev" is helpful for this.


Vladimir Dergachev

The problem is more captured here: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/latest-chromium-and-firefox-popup-transient-windows-show-and-close-immediately-using-twm-and-when-using-mouse-4175728539/


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