Here's the deal:

I have a (very) old monitor (A Tandy VGM-200) that is so old its not listed 
in the X configurator list. I wanted to use this monitor as an additional 
monitor to use with my other one.. I set up the video cards correctly (a SIS 
6324 and S3VIRGE/GX) and gave it a whirl. It worked, but the screen was all 
messed up (you know, like when you use a too high refresh rate on your 
monitor or an unsupported resolution). So, I talked to 
(because Tandy is its parent company) and they reported the monitor stats 

HSync: 31.5 Khz
VertRefresh: 60-70 Khz
Mode: 640x480

So, I tweaked my config and ... same problem. I've tried all kinds of stuff, 
and really, I've almost given up. Unfortunatly, Im too stubborn to buy a new 
monitor  for it (even though I'm seriously thinking about it). The monitor 
works in text mode because I can se the video card initialization screen, 
and anyways, I've used it alone on another computer, and Windows had no 
problem using it in VGA mode. Any suggestions are welcome.. 3^)

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