On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 07:04:52PM -0400, Brian T. Schellenberger wrote:
> I don't see anything in any of the man pages or anything.  I *did* try
> turning off all optimizations with
>       Option "NoAccel"
> and it didn't help the problem any, though it sure *did* make the machine 
> painful to use.
> Since NoAccel turns off "all" optimizations, I think that it should turn off 
> any batching, but I don't see any direct reference to that in the 
> acceleration options list.

NoAccel turns off all XAA optimizations, waay down at the hardware
driver level of the X server.  The "batching" you are referring to
happens "on the wire" between the X client and the X server (or rather,
in the code that handles the communication between client and server).
This is at a completely different level of X11, and that code isn't
changing much in XFree86.  I don't think there's a general way to
disable it, although many clients provide a "-sync" option which causes
them to insert an XSync function call in their protocol stream.

I doubt that the request batching code is your problem, though.  I'd be
looking at OS-level and driver-level issues.

Does it still happen if the X client is remote?  (You might be able to
test this by ssh'ing to localhost.)  What if you turn on ShadowFB with
'Option "ShadowFB" "on"' (I think that's the right syntax)?

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