
I’m using « Pyro », and have built a very simple recipe. The build program 
Inside the recipe needs « libncurses.so » at run time, so I have added to my 
recipe the following :
- DEPENDS_{PN} = « ncurses »
- RDEPENDS_${PN}= «  ncurses-libform »

The build is ok, but my final RootFs does not contain the expected « 
libncurses.so » Library.

The only way to force the build to include « libncurses.so » in the rootfs is 
to add « ncurses-libform » to my « IMAGE_INSTALL » in « my local.conf » file, 
and normally I should not have to do this…..

I’ve search the web, and the RDEPENDS should be the right method, and I did not 
find an explanation of such behavior.

Any idea or suggestion ?

Thanks for your feedback or advice.


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