On 10/29/19 5:12 PM, Stephen K Jolley wrote:
> Current Dev Position: YP 3.1 M1 
> Next Deadline: YP 3.1 M1 build Dec. 2, 2019

I noticed there is no 3.0.1 schedule.  Can we try for early December?

> SWAT Team Rotation:
>  *
>     SWAT lead is currently: Amanda
>  *
>     SWAT team rotation: Amanda -> Armin on Nov. 1, 2019
I will be on vacation next week so there may be delays in checking the
builds. But thats no worse than what I normally do.
No need to reschedule.

>  *
>     SWAT team rotation: Armin-> Anuj on Nov. 8, 2019
>  *
>     https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_Build_Failure_Swat_Team

We could use more volunteers to help monitory builds.

> Next Team Meetings:
>  *
>     Bug Triage meeting Thursday Nov. 7th at 7:30am PDT
>     (https://zoom.us/j/454367603)
>  *
>     Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Nov. 5th at 8am PDT
>     (https://zoom.us/j/990892712) <https://zoom.us/j/990892712>
>  *
>     Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Nov. 12th at 8am PDT
>     (https://zoom.us/j/990892712) <https://zoom.us/j/990892712>
>  *
>     Twitch - Next event is Tuesday Nov. 12th at 8am PDT
>     (https://www.twitch.tv/yocto_project)
> Key Status/Updates:
>  *
>     Yocto Project “Zeus” 3.0 has been released!  Thank you to everyone
>     who contributed patches, bugs, feedback and testing.  Some very
>     rough git metrics say that 182 different people have contributed
>     patches to this cycle.
>  *
>     This week is ELC-E in Lyon, so meetings are limited.  If anyone
>     reading this is there please do visit the Yocto Project booth and
>     say hello!
>  *
>     Patches have been flowing fast into master.  Due to ELC-E this
>     will slow down this week, but Ross will continue to collect
>     patches for testing in ross/mut.
>  *
>     There are ongoing intermittent autobuilder failures, particularly
>     in selftest but in other areas too. There is a separate email
>     about this and we could do with help in debugging and resolving
>     those issues.
>  *
>     YP 2.6.4 was built and has passed QA, will be released imminently.
>  *
>     YP 2.7.2 was held due to an unexplained test failure but will now
>     be built in the next few days.
>  *
>     Armin and Anuj have volunteered to maintain Zeus and they plan to
>     work out the maintainership between them, thanks!

I have updated the wiki to reflect that.

I also added in 3.1 and 3.2

Any notion of a code name?

>  *
>     We have begun collecting ideas for YP 3.1 in this document:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UKZIGe88-eq3-pOPtkAvFAegbQDzhy_f4ye64yjnABc/edit?usp=sharing
>  *
>     If anyone has any status items for the project they’d like to add
>     to the weekly reports, please email Richard and Stephen.

When are we planning on adding Centos 8?

> Planned upcoming dot releases:
>  *
>     YP 2.7.2 (Warrior) is planned this week.
>  *
>     YP 2.6.4 (Thud) is is to be released shortly.

This may be the last Thud update and I have patches still being queued.
Not sure when it will shift to community support.

I have stated marking older builds as "EOL" on the release page.

> Tracking Metrics:
>  *
>     WDD 2493 (last week
>     2498)(https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
>  *
>     Poky Patch Metrics  
>      o
>         Total patches found: 1441 (last week 1432)
>      o
>         Patches in the Pending State: 579 (40%) [last week 578 (41%)]
> The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical
> Steering Committee, more information is available at:
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/TSC
> The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status
> [If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on
> this weekly status update, let us know!]

Do we want a separate stable report or include in this ?

> -- 
> Thanks,
> */Stephen K. Jolley/*
> *Yocto Project Program Manager*
> *7867 SW Bayberry Dr., Beaverton, OR 97007*
> (    *Cell*:                (208) 244-4460
> * *Email*:                 _s
> <mailto:stephen.k.jol...@intel.com>jolley.yp...@gmail.com
> <mailto:jolley.yp...@gmail.com>_

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