Hi Bob, 

Sorry for the late response. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Cochran [mailto:yo...@mindchasers.com]
> Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 4:25 AM
> Any plans to create a repo for meta-fsl-networking on git.yoctoproject
> for Power / QorIQ developers?
[Luo Zhenhua-B19537] meta-fsl-networking layer manages the packages maintained 
internally, so the layer can't be upstreamed. 

> It would be good for yocto users, such as myself, to be able to build
> something incremental between the SDK releases using updated / patched
> recipes pulled from the yocto repos, which should include meta-fsl-
> networking.
> Say I wanted to propose a patch to a recipe like fsl-image-full, which is
> in meta-fsl-networking, how would I go about it?
[Luo Zhenhua-B19537] For such case, we will consider to move the demo image 
recipes into meta-fsl-ppc layer. 

> Last February (2013), you proposed an FSL Yocto layers reorg that merged
> layerscape/ARM with Power for QorIQ.  I imagine you're getting close to
> having something internally.  Can you please share the vision with us
> along with whether it will be public on the yocto project (as opposed to
> kept under wraps with incremental SDK releases)?
[Luo Zhenhua-B19537] Currently we are working on it, and will publish the 
staffs publicly when it is ready. 

Best Regards,

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