When the u-boot(HEAD of master in git://git.freescale.com/ppc/sdk/u-boot.git) 
of p1022ds is built with different binutils in Yocto, the result is different. 

With binutils-2.23.1(last version in Yocto), u-boot can be built correctly. 
With binutils-2.23.2(current version in Yocto), the build failed as following:
| release.S: Assembler messages:
| release.S:236: Error: value of 4294963524 too large for field of 2 bytes at 
| release.S:237: Error: operand out of range (0xfffffffffffff144 is not between 
0x0000000000000000 and 0x000000000000ffff)
| release.S:237: Error: value of 4294963524 too large for field of 2 bytes at 
| release.S:365: Error: value of 4294963524 too large for field of 2 bytes at 
| release.S:366: Error: operand out of range (0xfffffffffffff144 is not between 
0x0000000000000000 and 0x000000000000ffff)
| release.S:366: Error: value of 4294963524 too large for field of 2 bytes at 
| release.S:390: Error: value of 4294963520 too large for field of 2 bytes at 
| release.S:391: Error: operand out of range (0xfffffffffffff140 is not between 
0x0000000000000000 and 0x000000000000ffff)
| release.S:391: Error: value of 4294963520 too large for field of 2 bytes at 

Below is the failed code section:
233 #define toreset(x) (x - __secondary_start_page + 0xfffff000)
235         /* get our PIR to figure out our table entry */
236         lis     r3,toreset(__spin_table_addr)@h
237         ori     r3,r3,toreset(__spin_table_addr)@l
238         lwz     r3,0(r3)

Seems like the build error is related to binutils, can somebody shed some light 
on the issue? Thanks in advance. 

Best Regards,


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