Hi all,
I want to use syslog-ng to log the messages generated by my application 
implemented in C language. I added this in the code:

    char    *log="rtcd";
    printf("[%s] RTC adjustement\n",__func__);
    openlog(log, LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0);
    syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "[FIJ] RTC adjustement");

For me, according to the syslog-ng file, the files /var/log/ldb/GENTrace.log, 
/var/log/ldb/SUTrace.log, /var/log/ldb/WANTrace.log and 
/var/log/ldb/CPLTrace.log must be created and must contain the syslog message.
But I got no messages in my destination files. You can see the content of my 
syslog-ng.conf file bellow.

Is it the right way to log the messages sent by C program? What can explain 
that I got no messages in the destinations files?

I am using syslog-ng provided by yocto. And in the script which run the 
binary I remove the line below:

Why are you using the line? Is it necessary to use it?

Concerning log file rotation, How can we manage it using syslog-ng? For example 
I want to have a destination file with a size maximum = 2Mo and if the size is 
greater than the max size, I have to save the current one and create a new one. 
On my system I can have max 4 files (4 x 2Mo). How can I manage this kind of 

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Ismael Jean FAYE 

@version: 3.5
# Syslog-ng configuration file, compatible with default Debian syslogd
# installation. Originally written by anonymous (I can't find his name)
# Revised, and rewrited by me (SZALAY Attila <s...@debian.org>)

# First, set some global options.
options { chain_hostnames(off); flush_lines(0); use_dns(no); use_fqdn(no);
      owner("root"); group("adm"); perm(0640); stats_freq(0);

# Sources

source s_mysource { 
    pipe("/tmp/pipe" pad_size(2048));

# Destinations

destination d_GEN { 

destination d_SU { 

destination d_WAN { 

destination d_CPL { 

# Filters

#filter f_GEN { 
                #facility(local0) and filter(nom_du_composant_applicatif);
                #facility(local0) and filter(f_debug);

filter f_SU { 
                #facility(local0) and filter(nom_du_composant_applicatif);
                #facility(local0) and filter(f_debug);

filter f_WAN { 
                #facility(local0) and filter(nom_du_composant_applicatif);
                #facility(local0) and filter(f_debug);

filter f_CPL { 
                #facility(local0) and filter(nom_du_composant_applicatif);
                #facility(local0) and filter(f_debug);

# Log paths

#log { source(s_mysource); filter(f_GEN); destination(d_GEN); };
log { source(s_mysource); filter(f_SU); destination(d_SU); };
log { source(s_mysource); filter(f_WAN); destination(d_WAN); };
log { source(s_mysource); filter(f_CPL); destination(d_CPL); };
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