Bruce, I don't know if i did the correct thing but works.
I found in my tmp some thing about kernel 3.8 fslc and I deleted it.
/tmp$ find . -name "*3.8*" | grep fslc
On 13-10-03 10:09 AM, Raul Rosetto Munoz wrote:
Look all the time the modules of kernel 3.8 come.
My /lib/modules is like this:
That's where ? In your booted target ? What BSP are you using, how did
you install the image ?
Answering that question, will likely get you your answer. If you previ
Look all the time the modules of kernel 3.8 come.
My /lib/modules is like this:
/lib/modules$ ll
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 4 raul raul 4096 Oct 3 10:09 ./
drwxr-xr-x 7 raul raul 4096 Oct 3 10:09 ../
drwxr-xr-x 2 raul raul 4096 Oct 3 10:09
drwxr-xr-x 3 raul raul 4096 Oc
On 13-10-03 09:32 AM, Raul Rosetto Munoz wrote:
I think that I found my problem,
I tryed to use the kernel 3.8 before in this build system, but I decided
to go back to the
But now I did bitbake -c cleanall virtual/kernel, I tryed to delete
every thing about kernel 3.8 but the modules
I think that I found my problem,
I tryed to use the kernel 3.8 before in this build system, but I decided to
go back to the
But now I did bitbake -c cleanall virtual/kernel, I tryed to delete every
thing about kernel 3.8 but the modules that are instaled in my
/lib/modules/ still be the
On 13-10-03 08:34 AM, Raul Rosetto Munoz wrote:
Hello All,
I'm Trying to install the kernel modules inside my rootfs but I couldn't
find an especific information that help me to do that!
I have in my /tmp/images/ the tgz with all the modules that I need.
Hello All,
I'm Trying to install the kernel modules inside my rootfs but I couldn't
find an especific information that help me to do that!
I have in my /tmp/images/ the tgz with all the modules that I need.
I just want that this tzg was extra