Ramana, Saurav, Saul, LaurentiuP, KevinS, ScottR, JeffP, BjörnS, Beth, RP, 
TomZ, Corneliu, MarkH, Nitin, Denys, AlexG, PaulE, Ross, Song

Congratulations to all on the 1.4 release! Now let's focus on 1.5 planning this 


* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Point release dates:
 - 1.3.2 (Ross)
    5/7: RC1 build
    5/8 - 5/14: RC 1 testing
    5/21: RC2 build
    5/22-5/28: RC2 testing
    5/31: Release
 - 1.4.1 release: (PaulE)
    6/19: RC1 build
    6/20-6/25: RC1 testing
    6/26: RC2 build
    6/26-7/3: RC2 testing
    7/8: Release

* Yocto 1.5 release criteria review - 10 min (Song/team)<>

  - Centos: most current version of centos testing should be tested
  - We should review the number of medium+ bugs when we release, and address 
any concern.
  - Bugs dispositioned: triaged, assigned to proper priority and target 

* SWAT team rotation: Laurentiu Palcu -> Nitin
* Opens - 10 min
* Team Sharing - 20 min
  - Beth: Yocto Project now is sponsored by outreach program for Women. have an 
intern working in summer. $ 5000 for 3 month. Attended Collab summit, spdx, 
start looking at the functionality. Some work came out from the work at 
university of omaha. FOSSology project, code inspection for license 
contamination. Had a meeting yesterday with Mark, Jefro, and others. Long 
discussion, driving 2.0 specification.
  - Michael: last week, ordering the new hardware. Will get even faster build. 
Meta-lsi layer released. Working on oe mailing list. Lots of preparation. 
Working on the QA chart automation.
  - RP: moving from giving update in the meetings to the mailing list as 
promised to the community.
  - Python version 3/RP: collecting data and community input, no decisions 
made. working with 2.0. If we were to upgrade to 3, would that cause major pain?
Concern: a lot of distros don't have python 3?. Compatibility could be an 
issue. Let me know if you have strong opinion. Beth: AB is an concern. But 
Buildbot should run python 3.

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