Attendees: Jessica, Scott, Vali, Stephen, Tom, Jefro, Matthew, Belen, Alex G., 
Mark, Denys, Richard, Darren, Saul Alex D., Paul, Nitin, Michael H., Michael 
B., Sean,

* Opens collection - 5 min (Stephen)

* Yocto 1.6 status - 5 min (Stephen/team)

YP 1.6 final rc2 is in QA.  It is looking like rc3 which will be in QA next 
week could be the final release of 1.6 and rolled to production.   We are on 
track for the 4/25 final release date.   We are in planning for 1.7 milestones. 
 They should be finalized with features planned by the end of April or early 
May.  If you have features you would like in 1.7 please insure you have posted 
the details as a 1.7 enhancement to bugzilla.

* SWAT team rotation: Cristiana -> Laurentiu

* Opens - 10 min

Vali - Meta-cgl (Carrier Grade Linux) we are making progress on this layer.  
Feedback would be welcome to insure it has all the features needed to make it 

Sean - Reminder that after ELC will be the OE meeting on 5/2 & 5/3 in San Jose. 
 For details see:

* Team Sharing - 10 min

Michael B. - Starting on next generation planning on flash upgrades.  Have been 
reviewing CoreOS and Android.  We would like suggestions on flash upgrade plans 
and specs.  We discussed some items but deployment should be a 1.7 feature, so 
if we can get some good ideas or solutions in the plan for 1.7. Need to find a 
group willing to do the work if we want this to happen.  We also need a 
lead/maintainer to be the driver/owner of this proposal.
Michael H. - Updating Yocto SQL DB's and insuring we have support going forward.


Stephen K. Jolley
Yocto Project Program Manager
INTEL, MS JF1-255, 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124
*   Work Telephone:          (503) 712-0534
*    Cell:                                (208) 244-4460
* Email:                   

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