Attendees: Stephen, Mark Hardly, Paul Eggleton, Denys, Tom Z, Jeff Polk, Scott 
Rifenbark, Saul, Richard, Jessica, Nitin, Cristiana, Darren

* Opens collection - 5 min (Stephen)

* Yocto 1.6 status - 10 min (Richard)

Richard: 1.6 M2 RC2 should be finished testing this week.  This looks like it 
will this should list.  A number of patches at the links below are in this 

* SWAT team rotation: (Watches the Autobuilder for issues.)  Christina is a go 
for next week.

* Opens Discussion

Pidge: Autobuilder down time tonight. - We are trying to get some builds to 
work and having some issues.  We will take it down and restart it tonight.  MUT 
should be ready tonight. (Master Under Test)

Saul: put the meeting passcode in #yocto IRC when meeting starts! (Stephen will 
do going forward.)

Ionut: Will FRI2 (FishRiverIsland 2) BSP still need to be tested?  Richard 
points we should continue testing of it.  If you are having issues, please file 
a bug report.

Mathew: What kernel will 1.6 be on. (Darren - We will lock the kernel version 
about 6 week before development cut off.)

* Team Sharing - 20 min
Mark: still working on user id/group id changes - patch posted and updated.  
Another update coming shortly.
Saul: Working with Peter C. working on sudo issue and password file not 
existing at early points of the build.  Working on a patch soon.
Pidge: Anyone at FOSDEM conference besides Richard?  (no)


Stephen K. Jolley
Yocto Project Program Manager
INTEL, MS JF1-255, 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124
*   Work Telephone:          (480) 554-5904
*    Cell:                                (208) 244-4460
* Email:                   

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