Hi All,

Experience survey of Using Yocto 1.2

Q: Which architecture did you choose to build?
A: qemu x86 (minimal) & atom-pc (minimal)

Q: How easily were you able to build an image and boot an image?
A: Reasonably easy to create and boot up an image the "as-is" way(terminal).

Q: Is there any surprise to you in the process of doing this Beta testing? If 
so, would you please describe it and tell us how you expected it to work?
A: There was no surprises. Once the environment setup was correct and layer 
configuration is set, it's easy to build the Yocto image.

Q: How do you like our HOB interface? Please provide us with your thoughts and 
suggestions on HOB interface and functionality.
A: The HOB interface is awesome. With HOB, the building process seems more fun 
and easier and simplified for a beginner.
    The manual method gives a bigger challenge to create an image.

Q: Was it easy to find the support you needed to build and boot an image?
A: Yes. Online documentation was adequately comprehensive.

Q: Which Bugzilla reports did you submit?
A: None.

Q: Did you try anything else with Yocto 1.2?
A: Nope. Just image creation and boot-up.

Q: What would you like to have in Yocto Project for future releases?

A: BSP customization and Selection for Real-time OS mode. Besides that could 
add smart package selection to suit different ecosystem. Example (Medical, 
Retail, Military, Robotics)

Kanapathy Murugayah

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