Current Dev Position: YP 2.8 M4 Feature Freeze

Next Deadline: YP 3.0 Final Release 25th Oct

SWAT Team Rotation:


   SWAT lead is currently: Ross

   SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Amanda on Sept. 20, 2019

   SWAT team rotation: Amanda -> Chen on Sept. 27, 2019

Next Team Meetings:


   Bug Triage meeting Thursday Sept 19th at 7:30am PDT (

   Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Oct. 1st at 8am PDT ( <>

   Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Sept. 17th at 8am PDT ( <>

   Twitch - Next event is Tuesday Octt. 8th at 8am PDT (

Key Status/Updates:


   We’re now in feature freeze for 3.0 and working on bug fixing for final

   We have not built M3 yet as there are still three issues that need to be

      strace ptest regressions with 5.1/5.2 kernels

      systemd timeouts on mips

      hashequiv server rewrite

   The strace regressions will be discussed with the kernel community, the
   best workaround may be to lower the individual test timeouts so one the
   affected individual tests fail rather than all tests timing out.

   The qemumips issue with systemd is puzzling as its happening in hwdb and
   hwdb should be generated in advance anyway. Investigation is ongoing about
   why its being regenerated, a workaround is to increase the timeout as mips
   is just slow (it does complete eventually, its just marginal).

   The hashequiv server changes are being tested in master-next

   It is planned to build M3 this week with the workarounds mentioned above
   worst case. Its expected there would be further hashequiv fixing during M4.

   We hope to make up time during M4 by having M3 at high quality and take
   advantage of our automation.

   Documentation - Due to illness Scott is unavailable for the next month
   or two so doc patches will be handled by Richard or Ross in the short term.
   We’ll likely limit them to correctness issues and defer any substantial new
   text. If anyone has availability and skills to work on the manuals please
   talk to us. We’re aware there is a patch backlog.

   If anyone has any status items for the project they’d like to add to the
   weekly reports, please email Richard+Stephen.

Planned Releases for YP 3.0 {2.8}:


   M3 Release 6th Sept

   M4 Cutoff 30th Sept - this will be YP 3.0.

   YP 3.0 {2.8 (M4)} Final Release 25th Oct

Planned upcoming dot releases:


   YP 2.7.2 (Warrior) is planned for after YP 3.0 release.

   YP 2.6.4 (Thud) is planned for after YP 2.7.2  release.

Tracking Metrics:


   WDD 2449 (last week 2424) (

   Poky Patch Metrics

      Total patches found: 1424 (last week 1417)

      Patches in the Pending State: 587 (41%) [last week 582 (41%)]

Key Status Links for YP:

The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering
Committee, more information is available at:

The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this
weekly status update, let us know!]


*Stephen K. Jolley*

*Yocto Project Program Manager*

(    *Cell*:                (208) 244-4460

* *Email*:    
yocto mailing list

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