Current Dev Position: YP 3.1 M1 

Next Deadline: YP 3.1 M1 build Dec. 2, 2019


Next Team Meetings:

*       Bug Triage meeting Thursday Nov. 21st at 7:30am PDT (
*       Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Dec. 3rd at 8am PDT (
*       Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Nov. 19th at 8am PDT (
*       Twitch - Next event is Tuesday Dec. 10th at 8am PDT (


Key Status/Updates:

*       YP 2.7.2 is under review by the TSC and likely to be released.
*       Tests were made on making reproducibility the default for poky.
There were several issues found for which bugs were filed:

*       A double free issue in opkg (Alejandro looking into, thanks)
*       devtool failures (Paul sent a fix, thanks)
*       recipetool failures (Richard sent a fix)

*       Tests were made on making the hashserver default for poky. There
were also several issues found and RP is trying to understand and work
through those. At least one critical issue has been identified and due to be
*       The SWAT team no longer has enough people on it to make it
sustainable and has therefore been disbanded. This means build owners need
to triage their own build failures. Richard will be responsible for failures
in the scheduled master builds.
*       Intermittent build failures continue to hamper builds, particularly
combined with the above issues and as few people are available to attempt to
debug and resolve them.
*       The TSC is working on LTS plans, productive discussions have been
had and a new policy on handling this and stable releases should be
available in the next couple of weeks.
*       We are continuing to collect ideas for YP 3.1 in this document:
*       If anyone has any status items for the project they'd like to add to
the weekly reports, please email Richard and Stephen.


Proposed YP 3.1 Milestone Dates:

*       YP 3.1 M1 Proposed build date 12/2/2019
*       YP 3.1 M1 Proposed release date 12/13/2019
*       YP 3.1 M2 Proposed build date 1/20/2020
*       YP 3.1 M2 Proposed release date 1/31/2020
*       YP 3.1 M3 Proposed build date 2/24/2020
*       YP 3.1 M3 Proposed release date 3/6/2020
*       YP 3.1 M4 Proposed build date  3/30/2020
*       YP 3.1 M4 Proposed release date  4/24/2020


Planned upcoming dot releases:

*       YP 2.7.2 Should release this week.
*       YP 3.0.1 Proposed build date  11/25/2019
*       YP 3.0.1 Proposed release date 12/06/2019
*       YP 2.7.3 Proposed build date  2/10/20
*       YP 2.7.3 Proposed release date 2/21/20
*       YP 3.0.2 Proposed build date  2/3/20
*       YP 3.0.2 Proposed release date 2/14/20


Tracking Metrics:

*       WDD 2533 (last week 2508) (
*       Poky Patch Metrics  

*       Total patches found: 1461 (last week 1445)
*       Patches in the Pending State: 579 (40%) [last week 579 (40%)]


The Yocto Project's technical governance is through its Technical Steering
Committee, more information is available at:



The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:


[If anyone has suggestions for other information you'd like to see on this
weekly status update, let us know!]




Stephen K. Jolley

Yocto Project Project Manager

*    Cell:                (208) 244-4460

* Email:    


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