This is for a custom carrier board using the Phytec rk3288 SOM.

This worked for 2.2 morty.

I have migrated to 2.5 sumo. I am using their rk3288_sd_image-phy.bbclass
file. This file is only in the morty branch so I had to copy it into my bsp

I am still a bit of a Yocto noob so any help would be awesome.

When I build with
*IMAGE_FSTYPES += " tar.gz ext4"*
in the local conf the ext4 rootfs file is in the deploy folder.

When I build with
*IMAGE_FSTYPES += " tar.gz ext4"*
*IMAGE_FSTYPES_append_rk3288 = " sdcard"*
in the local conf the ext4 rootfs file ends up in the temp folder and so
the sdcard creation fails as it is looking for the ext4 file in the deploy

It's a really odd issue. :/

Any ideas on where to look?

Many thanks,
Richard e Collins.
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