I try to cross-compile qt chart examples for a yocto platform. I do
following steps to compile my qt programs:

 - source /opt/myimage/2.1.2/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-
 - qmake -o Makefile areachart.pro
 - make

But When I add `QT += charts` to any project run qmake like `qmake -o
Makefile areachart.pro` I hit this error:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: charts

Here is the output of `qmake -v`:
    QMake version 3.0
    Using Qt version 5.7.0 in /opt/myimage/2.1.2/sysroots/

Should I should add `qtcharts` module my yocto SDK to be able to compile
the example? if yes how?

For some reasons I was able to cross-compiled Qt from source on github
using `qtcreator` and get the binary files for qt examples and qtchart
library itself. I also run the qt examples on my target platform by putting
resulting `libQtCharts.so` and other files manually in `/usr/lib/` and
`/usr/include/` on the target and I was able to draw the charts on target.

However, what I need is to include the charts in my project and run `qmake`
steps as mentioned above. But what I get is the `Project ERROR:  Unknown
module(s) in QT: charts`
I have tried to put `libQtCharts.so` which I got from compiling qt source
manually in 
but still not able to get the make file with `qmake -o Makefile

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