Hi Chacks,

just wanted to congratulate you for such nice piece of wok. As said, I offer as a volunteer to translate the app into Spanish. I think localization should be done automatically by reading the LC_ALL and/or LANG environment variables. This way the app will integrate in the system seamlessly.

Will this app be included by default in the forecoming Yoper releases? I think it would be a good idea to do so....

I figure out the translations will be done by using some sort of label=<text> or XML format, right?

I am looking fordward to knowing more about your/it.

Best regards! ;-)

Carlos aka Musikolo

From: "Chakkaradeep C C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Yoper Development List" <yoper-dev@lists.yoper.com>
Subject: [yoper-dev] Desktop Icon Preferences 0.1 (Only for Gnome)
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 00:41:31 +1200

Hi All,

I am glad to announce the next release of Desktop Icons Preferences.

*What are the improvements*

Enabled to show/hide specific volumes in the desktop. So now , if the user
wants to hide *sda4* and have only *sda2* on the desktop, the user can do it

*To Install*

  - tar xjvf dip-0.1.tar.bz2
  - cd dip-0.1
  - sudo ./setup install (for installing)
  - sudo ./setup remove (for un-installing)
  - Run it from menu System-->Preferences-->Desktop Icons Preferences


1) You cant keep custom names or icons for volumes shown on your desktop. So
as of now, if its *sda2*, the icon name gets created as sda2

2) If you change the created desktop volume entry's name , the
desktop-icons-preferences does not keep track of the name changes, however,
you can change the icon

3) As per the standard, this works only for partitions mounted at
*/media*and thus the default Ubuntu setup will work without any flaws.

*Things to do*

1) Still haven't created any source forge or launchpad entries
2) The GUI has to be improved a bit
3) deb package has to be created
4) Translation to various languages
5) Enable to show other partitions mounted in other locations than /media
(is it really needed??)
6) To get the label of the partition and display instead of *sda4* or *sda5*

Please report your bugs and what you think of the improvement.

Here are some screen shots too attached


"Sometimes it's better not to ask - or to listen - when people tell you
something can't be done. I didnt ask for permission or approval. I just went
ahead and did it."  - from "Direct from Dell"

<< dip-0.1.tar.bz2 >>

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