Dec 19, 2008 

Fools' gold in Indonesia
By Melody Kemp 

NUSA TENGGARA, Indonesia - In eastern Indonesia's litter of islands, the remote 
Lembata seems an unlikely site to for a public battle over mining, replete with 
paid assassins, black magic rituals and allegations of official bribery. 

The bizarre confrontation is emblematic of Indonesia's ongoing mismatch between 
the desire to attract foreign investment, national regulations and the rights 
of people seemingly sentenced to environmental degradation in the name of 
economic development. It also indicates the enduring provincial influence of 
former president Suharto's close allies, despite the enactment of various 
decentralization reforms since his downfall in 1998. 

When weighing the bullish claims against the independent geological evidence 
being made about Lembata's gold mining potential, there is reasonable cause to 
suspect that Indonesia's well-connected and colorful mining magnate, Jusuf 
Merukh, is bidding to attract foreign investment based on tenuous claims. 

Critics and officials say his recent assertions that there are major gold 
deposits in the area are akin to those made during the 1997 Bre-X scandal, 
where a gold mine in Kalimantan in which Merukh had a stake was touted as 
potentially the world's largest, but after luring foreign investment from US 
mining giant Freeport McMoran, which was coaxed into taking an 85% stake in the 
venture, it came up dry. 

The 70 million ounces reportedly found by geologists at the time is the same 
figure Merukh is now telling local journalists could be found in Lembata. 
Merukh's wholly owned companies, PT Pukuafu Indah and PT Merukh Copper, aim to 
mine lodes of gold from Lembata's rocks and sand in Indonesia's poor and dry 
eastern region. But the mining magnate's intention to start construction of 
processing plants in 2009 has raised a mounting outcry on the island. 

In 2007, more than 400 people demonstrated against the mining project outside 
the area's provincial offices. Regular protests have also been staged this year 
and more are planned for 2009. "The bupati [or regent, the senior 
sub-provincial local government official] refused to meet with us. He doesn't 
want to hear our voices, but we will die before we allow Merukh to mine our 
island," said Hendrikus Hala, an elderly but still spry farmer. 

"We have built a camp on the mountain and someone is there all the time with a 
mobile phone. If they come we will stop them. No one gets in without our 
agreement," Ahmad Nuturamun, a farmer from the area said, an overly large black 
Stetson shading his eyes. 

Merukh has so far remained undaunted by the local resistance. In November, he 
reportedly sent a letter to the local regent and the head of the local 
Legislative Council requesting that 75,300 hectares be set aside for mines in a 
joint venture partnership between himself and 10 Chinese mining groups led by 
state-owned Yunnan Copper Group Ltd. A memorandum of understanding for the deal 
is scheduled to be signed with China's ambassador to Indonesia. 

Yunnan Copper is at present embroiled in a major corruption scandal, whereby 
the company's former chief executive officer, Zou Shaolu, and two of his aides 
were arrested by the Yunnan Communist Party's disciplinary agency and will soon 
face a public trial for allegedly accepting 35 million yuan (US$5 million) in 
bribes related to various dealings. There is no evidence that any of these 
allegations relate to the Lembata deal, but the scandal has raised questions 
about the Chinese company's viability. 

If Merukh presses ahead and the local government refuses to acknowledge the 
protesters' demands, some fear the situation could escalate towards violence. 
Villages are already invoking their deceased ancestors to protect them from the 
mine, reviving traditional rituals and ceremonies - where chickens' throats 
have been cut and old weapons stripped of rust - not performed for years. 
Island communities are seemingly unified in their opposition, even if they are 
not directly threatened. "We cannot eat gold," many villagers said in Lembata. 

The local government, meanwhile, is doggedly in favor of the mine. Lembata is a 
parched island, and like many of its neighbors has little opportunity for more 
than subsistence livelihoods. Its major sources of income are copra, candle 
nut, cashews, seaweed and clams. So the promise of a windfall from mining has 
been hard for local officials to resist. Strangely, though, the local 
government has dismissed alternative development plans put forward by the 
communities, which include tourism and agricultural projects. 

Indonesia is top heavy with a burdensome bureaucracy: each district replicates 
all national departments. Many are starved of operational funds, so a large 
mine offers hope of much-needed income. However, that impulse is checked by 
national regulations related to environmental protection and community 
consultation, which must be enacted before any mining activity goes ahead. 

Golden claims
While Merukh insists that below Lembata's stony soil lies "the third-largest 
source of gold after Chile and Russia", those claims are not borne out by 
independent geological reports, which claim that, while significant, the lodes 
are mostly uneconomic. 

Indonesian Department of Energy and Mineral Resources geologist Rudi Gunradi 
reported in 2007 that there were gold deposits around Balauring on the 
northwest coast, which he described as thin-soiled, fragile and unsuitable for 
agriculture. But he recommended that the deposits would be of benefit only to 
small-scale outfits, not the major operation promoted by Merukh. 

Gundari's reports build on corporate history. At Merukh's proposed site, an 
Australian subsidiary of PT Nusa Lontar dug up to 350 200-meter bores and 
another 15 500-meter bores with results revealing a mere 2 grams per ton, a far 
cry from Merukh's more glowing reports for the same area. The results were poor 
enough to convince the foreign company to let its lease go as the global prices 
for minerals did not warrant the investment. 

Another Australian mining company followed up on some initially promising 
findings in 1997, but later reported that the traces of copper and gold were 
insignificant and like the many other outfits that preceded it left the site. A 
senior spokesman for Newmont Mining Corporation, the world's largest gold 
producer, said categorically that Newmont would not be drawn into working in 
Lembata, despite having been in partnership with Merukh in the troubled but 
successful Batu Hijau mine on the eastern island of Sumbawa. 

Merukh could not be reached for this article. In an interview with The South 
China Morning Post in 2007, Merukh reported that "most of the workers and 
middle managers [in Batu Hijau] were hired from the local community. Now they 
drive Mercedes, not horse carts ... and when I visit they say 'Our king is 

That did not stop the Sumbawa mine from closing down when simmering community 
unrest over environmental destruction, unmet compensation demands and social 
issues eventually erupted, with local people burning down areas of the mining 

It's still unclear if the Lembata project has substantial foreign backing. 
Critics note that all of the companies Merukh lists as potential partners are 
banks or processors rather than operational mining companies, except for Yunnan 
Copper. Chinese miners have in recent years earned a bad reputation in 
Indonesia due to their lack of due diligence over environmental matters. 

Indonesia's Investor Daily magazine reported in August that Merukh claimed to 
have the support from German processing giants Kupferprodudke, Nordeusche 
Affinerie, IKB Deutsche Industriebank along with Asian companies Agape Mining 
Singapore, which supplies tools and drilling equipment, and Asian Mining 
Management in Hong Kong. Other foreign companies associated with Merukh Copper 
or PT Putuafu in the past are Germany's ThyssenKrupp Fordertechnik, Kupfer 
Produkte and Poland's KGHM Polska Miedz. 

Nordeutsche Affinerie subsequently said in an interview that it had terminated 
its relationship with Merukh over a year ago. Deutsche Industriebank failed to 
respond to requests to confirm or deny willingness to invest with Merukh. The 
German bank is not a signatory to the so-called Equator Principle, and thus not 
bound by strictures that limit funding for environmentally and socially 
sensitive projects. 

Former environment minister Sonny Keraf is from Lambata and was born in 
Lamalera, one of the world's few surviving traditional whaling villagers and a 
source of potential tourist income. "Lembata is a small island. A mine would 
not only cause a lot of damage to the environment, but to the lives of the 
people. Mining as it is practiced in Indonesia has no benefit for the people. 
It's all bad," he said. 

Asked whether environmental impact studies (AMDAL), which are required by 
national regulations, had been carried out in Lembata, he said: "No. I have 
sent many requests to the current minister to ensure that an AMDAL is done. But 
sometimes the committee members try to follow the wishes of the investor and 
are not always objective." 

"The investors promise good things for the people, housing wealth and other 
good things. But usually this does not happen," he said. "I know there is still 
a big question about whether there are minerals in Lembata. I think he [Merukh] 
says this just to get investment." 

Other officials share a similar sentiment. Sembiring, the recently retired head 
of the Department of Minerals in Bandung, said: "There are no proven minerals 
in Lembata. But there are rumors of bribery." 

"Mr Merukh has a bad reputation in mining circles, so I do not care what he 
says. The mine will not go ahead. I give you a guarantee. There will be no 
mine. The people have the last say 

and if they do agree there will be no mine. There is no contract of work [COW]. 
It would have to be issued by the national government to the investor. I know a 
COW has not been issued, nor will it be. Merukh is not being honest if he says 
it is going ahead." 

Controversial tactics
Such hard commentary is rare about a man who was a close associate of former 
authoritarian leader Suharto and thought to have been a deliberate 
destabilizing influence on the major opposition Indonesian Democratic Party of 
Struggle (PDI-P), led by former president Megawati Sukarnoputri. Merukh had 
insisted in the past that more than 300 members of the PDI-P were communists, a 
heavy allegation in light of the anti-communist purges that left hundreds of 
thousands dead in the late 1960s. 

Merukh insists that opposition to his proposed mining venture in Lembata has 
been manipulated by unnamed "US mining interests" or Catholic clergy afraid 
that the shower of wealth on the local population will undermine their power 
base. According to an interview he gave to Indonesia's Investor Daily, Merukh 
wants to excavate "at least 75% of the island's mass, maybe all of it", to find 
the gold, and in his words, "shift the domination of US mining". 

If he has his way, the project would require relocating around 60,000 of the 
island's residents to nearby Flores island, where he promises to build 
apartments and schools for the community. When asked recently by a 
non-governmental activist, who requested anonymity, Merukh was neither clear 
about how he would procure the proposed site on Flores, which, like land on 
Lembata, is owned by traditional clans under nationally recognized ownership 
rules, nor what he proposed relocated fishermen and farmers would do for their 
livelihoods there. 

Farmers in Lembata said in mid-October this year that they had not yet been 
approached by any company representatives requesting to buy their land. To 
transport the mined gold, Murkah plans to build a dedicated port in a 
six-hectare shallow area right next to a Japanese pearl farm. The pristine 
reef, which has a depth of 1.5 meters for over 500 meters, would need to be 
blasted to make a channel deep enough to carry deep-hulled ships. 

His plans also include building a large international airport on the site of a 
Japanese-built World War II airstrip in Lembata. The runway would terminate at 
the base of Ile Api, the island's impressive guardian volcano, which is still 
active and emits a steady plume of white steam. Baru Tara, a volcanic island 
only 50 kilometers to the north, has recorded recent eruptions and the whole 
area is prone to continual tectonic burbling. 

A traditional leader known locally as a kepala adat signaled that he wanted to 
speak at a village meeting at a church outside of Lembata's capital of 
Lewoleba. His face was framed by a wide-brimmed canvas hat and his trousers 
hung loose on his skinny frame. The old man's voice was weak in the large 
village space, but his message was strong. "Our ancestors have taken care of 
this land for us for thousands of years. We have all those things we need to 
live a peaceful life. Until the end of time we will defend our land." 

Women in their bunched hand-woven sarongs, dyed in indigo and burgundy, 
murmured and nodded in agreement while a visiting priest from Indonesia's main 
island of Java gave a sermon that sounded as though it was written by a 
conservation foundation. 

Bapak Abu, who hails from the hilly Balauring area believed to be the first 
area set for exploitation, has consistently opposed the mine. He and his family 
have become powerful symbols of local resistance. "Our mother Earth can only 
give birth to one world. We have to take care of it for our children and 
grandchildren." he said. 

"When I went to talk to the bupati, he threatened me, saying that the company 
would bring in US troops to force us to agree. But I said that I am protected 
by Allah, the ancestors and Mother Nature. Even if they call 10,000 American 
soldiers I cannot agree. Even if they offer me three million dollars I will not 
agree." Another activist on the island related incidents of apparent official 
intimidation, including being followed, receiving death threats on their cell 
phones and having rocks thrown though their home windows. 

Bapak Abu handed me an envelope stuffed full of 1 million rupiah (US$120) bank 
notes, a considerable sum by local standards. He said it was given to him as a 
gift from the bupati and that he was told it would be followed by 10 million 
rupiah more if he agreed to the mine. Lembata's bupati, Andreas Duli Manuk, did 
not respond to repeated calls and interviews for this article. 

Several weeks earlier, two young would-be assassins had confessed their mission 
to kill Bapak Abu over his resistance to the mine. Their fee, they said, was a 
paltry 250,000 rupiah each. "I do not know who asked them to kill me, nor do I 
care," Bapak Abu said, his somnolent face grizzled and lined. "The police 
called me to sign a report, but I wouldn't do it. The report was too 

He said the regional army, divisional police and intelligence agencies were all 
involved with threats and intimidation to people opposed to the mine, and that 
a neighbor who refused to sign his land over was recently found dead in his 

"He would not sign. They called him to Lewoleba. We thought he was asleep, but 
he did not get up to eat. He had a broken jaw and neck. We don't know what 

Ritual opposition
The only local legislative member opposed to the mine is Alwi Murih. He 
presented many probing questions about the project: "How can they build a mine 
if they haven't talked to any of the people about land? What is the deal 
between the regent and Merukh? Why is he pushing so hard for something the 
people just don't want?" 

Ibu Anastasia Gea Atawolo, 51, is among the disaffected locals. Her serious 
face was lined and anxiety crossed her eyes like cobwebs. In a patriarchal 
culture, she is the sole woman village head and her Lamadale village is one of 
those slated to become a hole in the ground if the mine goes through. 

She sat and watched as dignified old men and women danced in lock step, their 
arms linked tightly as they called on their ancestors to protect their land. 
Gradually the drumming speeded up and the dust rose around their feet. The 
crowd fell silent watching them. 

Ibu Anasatasi pointed to her smooth-skinned 81-year-old mother. "She has lived 
here all her life. She cannot move. She does not want to move. She, like all of 
us, wants to be buried here. This is where we belong." She gestured towards the 
dancers. "They are concentrating the energy of five villages to preserve our 
life and the old ways." 

"We have no future anywhere else. Five villages have joined with us in going to 
see the bupati, but he refused to argue with us. He would not even come out to 
meet us. He hid inside. 

"The usual thing is for the government to come and talk to us: tell us what is 
happening and seek our participation, to negotiate and see what impact it would 
have on our lives. We are told instead that they will start to mine in 2009, 
some say as early as December this year. But we have not been asked or 
consulted. We have seen no offers for land, but we would not sell," she said. 

Some hope for a democratic resolution to the conflict. Bediona Philippus is 
running to replace Andreas Duli Manuk as Lembata's regent at the 2009 regional 
elections. A university-educated man who has worked for major donor-funded 
projects in Jakarta, Philippus is serious about his island's future and now 
heads the local NGO forum. 

"Merukh invited me to visit Sumbawa to see the mine, but I was convinced that 
he would orchestrate an accident, so I didn't go." 

Philippus agrees that outside geological reports conflict with Merukh's claims. 
"But the bupati has passed three decrees which pave the way for exploration, so 
the process is unstoppable. He is really pushing. We don't know why. But if 
they go ahead, there will be war." 

A marine park is being planned for the same area, which has some of Indonesia's 
last remaining intact coral reefs and pristine marine resources, believed to be 
some of the best scuba diving in the world. The location and proposed extent of 
the mine would make it difficult if not impossible to build containment walls 
to prevent the tailings from polluting the clear blue waters. 

The seas here are also globally important breeding grounds for migratory 
whales: if the mine used submarine tailings disposal, as some suspect, the 
noise and debris could spell an end to whales visiting in the area and to the 
culture of traditional whaling in Lamalera. 

It seems unlikely that the local officials who ardently support the mine are 
unaware of the geological reports contesting the existence of deep gold stores. 
Merukh, who is bidding to bring in international investors to finance the 
project, has so far chosen to ignore the widespread skepticism and resistance. 

It is still possible that Merukh, who is now in his seventies, will be curbed 
through a combination of grassroots resistance and the global economic 
downturn, which has hit global commodity prices hard, though gold prices remain 
buoyant. It's also possible the situation spirals towards violence, as in 
former controversial ventures. 

To the isolated people of Lembata, the world outside of their island is of 
little consequence. They are so poor that they are essentially external to the 
global economic crisis and are at risk of losing their modest traditional 
livelihoods. As NGO coordinator and electoral hopeful Philippus said: "The 
people are more afraid of adat [tradition] than they are of guns." 

Melody Kemp lived in Indonesia for 11 years. She now lives in Laos, from where 
she writes on geographical issues. 

(Copyright 2008 Melody Kemp)

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