Inviting You..........!!! 
Brain, Beauty & Behavior Short Seminar 
December 12th, 2008 ¡ 09:00 – 12:00 am ¡ PPM School Of Management ¡ Jl. Menteng 
Raya No. 9 ¡ Jakarta 
Seminar Objective 
The benefit after completing this course the participants will better in: 
- Creating opportunities for your personal development and accepting challenges 
when it arises 
- Improving your confidence, assertiveness and communication skills 
- Managing stress and pressure in an increasingly challenging environment 
Targeted Participants 
- Sr. Administration 
- Senior Secretary 
- Office Administration 
- Front Line Officer 
- Field Administration 
- Everybody who gets benefit from this course 
- Dra. Bertha Reni P.M, MM 
   Senior lecture at Tarakanita Secretarial Academy . 
- Tina Talisa 
   2003’s Putri Indonesia finalist . Asst Producer & Reporter tvOne 
- Mario 
  Club Nova & Mova Host  
Seminar Investment: Rp.25,000.00 
- Including certificate & snack 
Don’t miss 
Demo make-up by Pola Cosmetics & door prize/quiz 
PPM Scholl of Management Secretariat 
2300313 ext 1108 (Bp. Eko N.- 081310048429)  
Albert – 0812 865 7906 / 989 07220 
Yulinda Hernila – 0816 483 5058 
Felicitas Hesti – 0856 778 8175 
Best regards, 
Albert I. ( 021-98907220 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 


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