Hanya yg bodoh terasa being insulted. Memang hal ketuhanan kepercayaan anda 
adalah bodoh. Memang anda confirmed bodoh. Tuhan ada nak? Tuhan bunuh anak 
sendiri ytk hapuskan dosa umatnya yg berdosa. Anak Tuhan diam dalam rahim 9 
bulan dan keluar dari vagina.
  Padri boleh ampunkan dosa. Bibel bermacam-macam jenis...dan sentiasa ada 
revisi. Siapa yg bodoh dan amat jelas anda yg bodoh. Ada otak....tapi tak 
  Kenapa hanya zaman Nabi Isa saja diclaim Tuhan ada anak? Kenapa tidak dari 
zaman Adam dan seterusnya. Ternyata ketuhanan kristen adalah amat songsang. 
Hanya yg bodoh akan percaya dan yakin pada ajran dari setan itu. Ajaran suci 
Nabi Isa pasti menyatakan keesaan Allah.

"utusan.allah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Berita taik kucing begini anda anggap ada gunanya disampaikan di
mailing list ini.

It is an insult to the intelligence.

Dan yang sanggup melahap berita taik kucing begini memang orang-orang
dungu seperti anda.

Agar anda maklumi, berita ini tidak punya referensi apa apa, selain
nama Karla yang tidak dibuktikan pernah ada..

Sadarlah Roslan Salleh anda itu sungguh dungu.

Dungu kayak kerbau.

--- In zamanku@yahoogroups.com, Roslan Salleh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Karla’s conversion to Islam by: Admin 
> “How could you, an educated American woman convert to Islam -
a religion that oppresses women?” - Blonde-haired blue-eyed, former
Christian, Karla, explains how her theological dissatisfaction with
the doctrine of Jesus as God and her discovery of the rights given to
women in Islam led her to become a Muslim.
> My conversion process to Islam was a long one (it took 20 years!).
It started when I was 12. I went to this over-priced private
school…very Anglophile…made us wear uniforms…had us in Forms,
rather than grades, etc. Anyway, we were studying the major religions
of the worldâ€"had a little book on Christianity, one on Judaism,
Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. I remember being really fascinated with
Islam, and thinking that Muslims weren’t hypocrites like the
Christians I knew. I remember two things really standing out for me.
One, being the focus on one God alone. I had always had questions
about Christianity’s viewing Jesus as Godâ€"and how that went
against the first commandment. The second item that stood out was
salat. Not just praying five times/day, but how the majority of the
prayer focused on worshiping God. In Christianity, our prayers tended
to be “gimme prayers.” “God, give me this…God give me that.”
> I went to college in Washington DC, which has a pretty large
Muslim population. My interest in Islam was still definitely
thereâ€"although I was way too shy. I used to do “drive by
mosquings”â€"going by the Islamic Center on Mass Ave., too shy to go
in. Once I called to see if they had classes for people interested in
Islam, but I never received a call back. I did buy myself a copy of
the Qur’an, and began to read it. It was amazing. It just kind of
went into my heart, y’know? The thing that really amazed me about
Islam from the beginning, were the rights given to women. I know many
people today would laugh at me for such a statement, but as somebody
who has read the Bibleâ€"I saw rights given to women in Islam that
were never given to women in the Bible. Women were given the right to
refuse a partner in marriage; whereas, in typical Christian Western
Culture at the time (600s CE), women were basically viewed as their
father’s propertyâ€"to marry as he saw fit.
> Women were guaranteed a portion of their father’s and husband’s
inheritance; whereas, in the West, that inheritance typically went
only to the eldest son. Women had the right to own property and enter
into contracts. A right that women in the United States did not obtain
until the mid-Nineteenth Century. The Prophet Muhammed preached
against female infanticideâ€"a common practice of the time, and one
that is still a problem in India and China. Of course, today it is a
high-tech female infanticideâ€"abortions done after an ultrasound to
determine the sex of the child. Both men and women were admonished to
seek knowledge from “the cradle to the grave.” Unfortunately,
culture seems to interfere with some of those rights these days.
> During my senior year, I found a dawa program on TV called,
“Islam.” It featured a western looking woman anchor who would
interview people on various topics regarding Islam. I believe it was
put out by the Islamic Information Service, but I’m not sure. I
became totally addicted to this show…actually setting my VCR to tape
it, if I was going to be out. I don’t remember which channel it was
onâ€"just that it was shown on Fridays, and that each show began with
“In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Gracious.” When the
shahadah show came on, I knew I believed…so I said it with my TV. In
God’s mind did I become a Muslim then? I don’t know.
Unfortunately, I did not know any Muslims to talk to about Islam. I
was also very worried about what my friends and family would think.
Sometime following graduation (I think this was 1990 or 1991), the
Saudi Embassy sponsored an Islamic Art exhibit downtown. I remember
asking one of the exhibitors if they had any
> additional information on Islamâ€"and the guy said, “No.” I was
crushed. I just didn’t know where to turn to find out more about
Islam. Who to talk to about my questions. I was just too shy to go
into a mosque. I didn’t even know if I could go in, as a woman. I
didn’t know if I’d be properly dressed…or if I’d be the only
non-Arabic speaking person there. I just kept reading my Qur’an, and
asking God the questions. Hoping God would answer my prayers.
> My hunger for God did not cease, however….so I decided to go
with a more conventional religion, and became a Christian sometime
during my mid-20s. The problem was, I always had questions/doubts
regarding Christianityâ€"mainly about the concept of the
Trinity/Divinity of Jesus. Jesus as God just didn’t make sense to
meâ€"as it would go against the First commandment and what Jesus
himself seemed to practice. He always focused on God the Father, so to
speak. When asked, he said that the Greatest Commandment was to love
the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Godâ€"singular.
That’s something I’ve always strived to do, and hope to improve at
still. I asked a few different pastors about my doubts, and the
response I would get would be, “You simply need to have faith.” I
remember in one Bible study class this guy started saying all these
lies about Muslims. I spoke up, and said, “That’s not true.” and
began to tell the people in my Sunday School
> about what Muslims really believed. See…even then…I couldn’t
deny the shahadah. I still believed that there was only one God, God,
and that Muhammad was the Prophet of God.
> While at grad school in Tennessee, I contacted the Muslim Student
Association on campus. Two sisters met me at a local bakery for tea.
Unfortunately, they didn’t really understand that I wanted to
convertâ€"and the whole meeting was rather bizarre. I decided that I
would just consider myself a Monotheist, and call it a day. I would
read on all of the major Monotheistic faithsâ€"Judaism, Islam, and
Christianity. I became more and more uncomfortable with Christianity,
though. If I went into a church, and there was a crucifix on the
wall…it would weird me out. It seemed like an idol that people were
worshipping. I did enjoy learning more about Judaismâ€"and found it to
be the closest to Islam. Sadly, the two brothers fight way too much
these days.
> I joined my current company almost two years ago. Coincidentally
during my HR orientation, there was a guy who I would work a lot with
there. He ended up working for me on numerous projects, and we became
friends. He was just out of college, and a rebel. I started asking him
how he could drink, if he was a Muslim (threatened to tell his
Mom)….asked him why he didn’t go to Jummah (Friday) prayer, etc.
Over the course of a year, I realized that in talking to him, I was
really talking to myself. (I don’t drink thoughâ€"never have.)
> So around last February, I went to our local Islamic Center’s
New Muslims class on a Wednesday night. There was nobody there. One of
the brothers kept saying…just wait for Isha (the evening
prayer)…the Imam (religious leader) will be here…but I felt too
uncomfortable. I left. About four weeks later, I tried again. There
was a class going on. That night, 10-11 years after I had first said
shahadah in my apartment in DC in front of a TV set, I said shahadah
in front of the Imam, a Muslim Sister, and a whole bunch of people
interested in Islam. Since that time, I’ve learned to pray
(something I had tried to teach myself through the Web and videos for
years!)…and begun to study Arabic. Insha’Allah (God willing), one
day I’ll be able to read and understand the Qur’an in Arabic.
I’m totally amazed that I can already read certain bits of the
Qur’an; although, my vocabulary does not allow me to understand
> Monday, October 8th 2001, was a momentous day in my life as a
Muslim as well. I wore hijab (Muslim head covering) for the first time
ever to work as part of the Scarves for Solidarity campaign. I was the
celebrity at workâ€"people kept walking by my office door, etc. I had
posted articles about “Scarves for Solidarity” as well as Islam on
the door. And when people asked me, “Are you one of them?” or
“Are you a Muslim?” I said, “Yes.” So now I’m out of the
“Muslim-closet” at work. I guess people just assumed that a
blonde-haired blue-eyed person could not be a Muslim. The main
question people seem to ask, is “How could you, an educated American
woman convert to Islamâ€"a religion that oppresses women?” They are
quick to try and equate the rights of women in Afghanistan with the
rights of Muslim women everywhere. Basically, what I tell them, is
that the Qur’an gives women more rights than the Bible doesâ€"in
print. That was one of the things that
> first drew me to Islam. Unfortunately today, Islam is no longer the
leader in women’s rights. I had a choiceâ€"deny what I believe (i.e.
that There is only one God, and that Muhammed is a Prophet of
God)…or accept what I believe, but work to change the problems that
exist within the Muslim community. I chose the latter.
> Sister Karla
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