Age of OBC isolation
By Chandrabhan Prasad

It is not my desire seeking isolation of OBCs from India's political
map. After a three week long sojourn in UP, I can make yet another
risk-free prediction - OBCs are going to face a political isolation in
the Hindi heartland. They will now no longer get any leadership role
political system. Since they are numerically big, they will still be
required by non-OBC social classes. In order to survive, the OBCs will
become subservient to whichever social block presides over the
political establishment.

Strange as it may appear, the OBC claiming Mandal legacy or the legacy
of social justice in particular are not at all wanted. Any party
advocating the Mandal will face a sure marginalisation. The Congress
had better watch this.

Why is this happening? Post-Mandal, the larger majority of OBCs and
Dalits were only too eager to be led by OBCs. A sizable section of the
Dwija intelligentsia too mandated OBCs to rule India. But, within less
than two decades, OBCs lost that social goodwill, and are now faced
with a situation of political isolation. Who is to blame! None other
than the representative OBCs themselves are to blame. Even MBCs are
abandoning the representative OBCs.

Let us consider the possible reasons:

By political tradition, the OBCs are language nationalists, and
despise English as a medium of instruction. But, they want quota in
all fields. How will some one opposed to English fit into modern
centers of knowledge? Ask Karunanidhi, Lalu, Mulayam Singh, Prof
Yogendra Yadav, or any accomplished OBC of their stand on quota and
English! "Yes to quota, but no to English" will be their standard
answer. Doesn't the larger society see this irrationality?

By political tradition, the OBCs seek Dalit like quota in jobs and
education but without suffering the Dalit like social exclusion! Ask
the OBC leadership, and they will insist that Dalits and OBCs have
suffered similarly. Doesn't the larger society see this irrationality?

By political tradition, OBCs have sought dismantling of the Brahmin
hegemony, and place themselves as their substitute. Ask the OBC
leadership as how does the politics of hegemony serve the cause of the
social justice, and look into their eyes - they would swallow you
almost alive. Doesn't the larger society see this irrationality?

By political tradition, OBCs have argued for social justice, and
narrate as how repressive the Dwijas have been. Ask the OBC leadership
as why OBCs after being empowered tend to rely on violence as the
fundamental tool in dealing with a situation of conflict and look into
their eyes - you are virtually assassinated. Doesn't the larger
society see this irrationality?

By political tradition, the OBCs have argued against capitalism and
urbanisation. Ask the OBC leadership as in what way a feudal India
will be better than an urbanised and capitalistic India? There can
emerge a situation of sure violence. Doesn't the larger society see
this irrationality?

I am listing just five critical areas of concern. If one were to make
an index of a hundred negative issues of public life, in almost all,
the OBCs will preside over negativity. Doesn't the larger society see
this irrationality?

The Dwijas has earned a hate space after over two thousand years of
guile and social lumpiness. The OBCs needed less than two decades to
earn the Dwija like distinction. The representative OBCs have
mortified the Indian democracy, and made the impulse of social justice
a foul-mouthed comic story.

None, but the OBC alone are responsible for their present state. None
but OBCs alone have to rethink of their social and political conduct.
Worse still, because of the OBCs' social conduct, the very notion of
social justice is loosing its moral high ground.

Unsolicited though, my prescription to the representative OBCs is -
unleash an intense reform movement within. Sell the slogan of
democracy and non-violence among the larger OBC mass. Pull them out of
the nightmare of agrarianism. Create culture elite from within. Ask
them to increase spending on modern education. Or else, face political

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