Mon, May 7

I had no role in students' quota stir: Venugopal

Monday May 7, 01:13 AM

All India Institute of Medical Sciences director Dr P Venugopal has
reacted sharply to the UGC report submitted to Health Minister
Anbumani Ramadoss, accusing him of playing a "pro-active role in last
year's anti-quota agitation".

Speaking out on the controversy for the first time, Venugopal told
Newsline: "I completely deny that AIIMS administration or I was in any
way involved in permitting the agitation. The AIIMS administration
took all appropriate measures as per the administrative law, to
prevent and control the agitation. All the actions were taken in
strict conformity with the instructions received from the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare. And the ministry was informed on a
day-to-day basis."

The UGC report had also accused the director of being biased against
SC/ST students, saying the latter felt they had got less marks than
expected. Commenting on it, Venugopal said: "In any case, the
undergraduate classes do not fall within my purview, so the question
of discrimination against these students does not arise."

The Health Ministry had asked UGC to prepare a report following
students' complaints that those from reserved category were
discriminated against. According to the ministry, the report will be
discussed in the institute's general body meeting on Monday.

The AIIMS faculty association, meanwhile, has written to the Prime
Minister seeking his intervention in various issues concerning the

The three-page letter states: "In the several governing bodies held
last year, not a single agenda item has been discussed with the
welfare of faculty in mind. Only personal issues have been discussed.
Also, all the meetings are being held in Nirman Bhawan for some
unknown reason."

On the Valiathan Committee report, the letter says: "The committee was
formed by the PM to review the functioning of AIIMS and make
recommendations to improve its working. The report was submitted to
the Health Ministry and the PMO in October 2006. Is it not important
to discuss recommendations of the panel as a priority? Why is the
report gathering dust in the ministry?"

The association members have raised doubts on the intentions of the
Health Ministry, which, they say, is systematically trying to defame
AIIMS. "We demand that the Valiathan Co-mmittee report should be made
public immediately, and, instead of wasting time and public money in
fruitless attempts to remove the Director, the institute body should
meet to decide how to implement this report, to further improve AIIMS
functioning," the letter says.

The faculty complained that the Ministry of Health has not taken a
single decision for the benefit of AIIMS and its doctors in the past
one year. "In fact, a single, arbitrary and capricious letter from the
Minister has caused serious job uncertainty amongst more than 100
senior professors," they have said in the letter.

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