First thing is I would like to thank everyone for their replies/help. This 
machine has been running for two years under Linux, but for last two or three 
months has had Nexenta Solaris on it. This machine has never once crashed. I 
rebooted with a Knoppix disk in and ran memtest86. Within 30 minutes it counted 
several hundred errors which after cleaning the connections still occurred in 
the same locations. I replaced the RAM module and retested with no errors. My 
md5sums all verified no data was lost making me very happy. I did a zpool scrub 
which came back 100% clean. I still don't understand how the machine ran 
reliably with bad ram. That being said, a few days later I did a zpool status 
and saw 20 checksum errors on one drive and 30 errors on the other. 

Does anyone have any idea why I have to do "zpool export amber" followed by 
"zpool import amber" for my zpool to be mounted on reboot? zfs set mountpoint 
does nothing.

BTW to answer some other concerns, the Seasonic supply is 400Watts with a 
guaranteed minimum efficency of 80%. Using a kill-o-watt meter I have about 
120Watts power consumption. The machine is on a UPS.
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