I can not help but agree with Tim's comment below.

If you want a free version of ZFS, in which case you are still responsible for 
things yourself - like having backups, then maybe:


Meanwhile, it is grossly inappropriate to be complaining about lack of support 
when using an operating system / file system that you know has no support.  
Doubly so if your data is important and doubly so again if did not already back 
it up.

- mike

On Aug 19, 2011, at 6:54 AM, Tim Cook wrote:

> You digitally signed a license agreement stating the following:
> No Technical Support
> Our technical support organization will not provide technical support, phone 
> support, or updates to you for the Programs licensed under this agreement.
> To turn around and keep repeating that they're "holding your data hostage" is 
> disingenuous at best.  Nobody is holding your data hostage.  You voluntarily 
> put it on an operating system that explicitly states doesn't offer support 
> from the parent company.  Nobody from Oracle is going to show up with a patch 
> for you on this mailing list because none of the Oracle employees want to 
> lose their job and subsequently be subjected to a lawsuit.  If that's what 
> you're planning on waiting for, I'd suggest you take a new approach.
> Sorry to be a downer, but that's reality.
> --Tim

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