I have been researching different types of raids, and I happened across raidz, 
and I am blown away.  I have been trying to find resources to answer some of my 
questions, but many of them are either over my head in terms of details, or 
foreign to me as I am a linux noob, and I have to admit I have never even 
looked at Solaris.

Are the Parity drives just that, a drive assigned to parity, or is the parity 
shared over several drives?

I understand that you can build a raidz2 that will have 2 parity disks.  So in 
theory I could lose 2 disks and still rebuild my array so long as they are not 
both the parity disks correct?

I understand that you can have Spares assigned to the raid, so that if a drive 
fails, it will immediately grab the spare and rebuild the damaged drive.  Is 
this correct?

Now I can not find anything on how much space is taken up in the raidz1 or 
raidz2.  If all the drives are the same size, does a raidz2 take up the space 
of 2 of the drives for parity, or is the space calculation different?

I get that you can not expand a raidz as you would a normal raid, by simply 
slapping on a drive.  Instead it seems that the preferred method is to create a 
new raidz.  Now Lets say that I want to add another raidz1 to my system, can I 
get the OS to present this as one big drive with the space from both raid pools?

How do I share these types of raid pools across the network.  Or more 
specifically, how do I access them from Windows based systems?  Is there any 
special trick?
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