
I'm using Nexenta and am impressed by allof the OpenSolaris, ZFS and Nexenta parts, thank you for feeing us of the RAID hole.

Having created zvols in a pool (6 mirror sets, 2 SSDs for L2ARC), with compression turned on, I am now realising that the data stored in the L2ARC SSD is the 'raw', not the 'compressed' form (just finished reading http://blogs.sun.com/dap/entry/zfs_compression).

Does anyone know if it would be technically feasible (one day) to cache the compressed data there ?

For data (like databases) that compresses quite well (e.g. 3.5x), if the compressed form is stored, a 100GB L2ARC cache essentially would hold 350GB, which would be a big win.

If this is potentially in the pipeline great... Otherwise, I'll go back to the SSD shop...

Many thanks again


Frederic Vander Elst
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