I just started the same migration..

I tried to test OpenIndiana w/Napp-IT, Illumos w/Napp-IT, Debian k/FreeBSD
and Nexenta Community Edition. I tested iSCSI, SMB and NFS. I did not find
time to test FreeNAS. All tests performed as a VM guest on ESXi 5.0.

SMB is based on kernel on OpenIndiana, Illumos and Nexenta so performing
better. Debian k/FreeBSD needs Samba to provide SMB.

I found Nexenta as the most easy one to manage with its GUI.

My two cents will be such that if you do not want to dig into details from
CLI, Nexenta or FreeNas will be the best choice. Illumos, OpenIndiana and
Debian k/FreeBSD needs more deep dive on OS level..



On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 4:23 PM, Volker A. Brandt <v...@bb-c.de> wrote:

> Hi Tiernan!
> > But, now i am confused as to what OS to use... OpenIndiana? Nexenta?
> > FreeNAS/FreeBSD?
> >
> > I need something that will allow me to share files over SMB (3 if
> > possible), NFS, AFP (for Time Machine) and iSCSI. Ideally, i would
> > like something i can manage "easily" and something that works with
> > the Dell...
> I can recommend FreeNAS.  It lives in a USB stick, thus leaving all
> your 8 disk slots free.  It can do all the things you have listed
> above.  It has a nice management GUI to bring it all together.
> And it is free, so you can download it and see if it recognizes all
> your hardware, especially the storage and network controllers.
> Best regards -- Volker A. Brandt
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Volker A. Brandt               Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
> Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH                   WWW: http://www.bb-c.de/
> Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANY            Email: v...@bb-c.de
> Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513              Schuhgröße: 46
> Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt
> "When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
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