
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 8:41 AM, Gopi Desaboyina
<gopidesaboy...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I think your system might be over heating. I observed this kind of behaviour 
> in laptops when they get overheated. check if FAN is working or not. How 
> frequent it gets rebooted. you could boot from opensolaris LiveCD and keep it 
> for a day like that. if it reboots that means there could be h/w issue. if 
> not you can try for other OS related stuff.
> --
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Cross-posting to zfs-discuss, just in case.

Okay, I'll try a LiveCD and see whether it still reboots.

Additional information: I started a zpool scrub of my root pool and my
storage pool. After a few minutes the machine spontaneously rebooted.

And: I'm running a pool with two mirrors: a pair of 500GB on a
two-port Sil3132 PCI-e card, and a pair of 1TB drives on the Asus
M2N-SLI Deluxe motherboard.
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